Basically, Islam considers life as a sacred gift from God
Almighty. No one is allowed to take or stop the life of anyone else except by
way of justice or according to the Islamic law. Thus, the Holy Quran says:
"Say: Come, I will rehearse what God has really prohibited you from:
Join nothing as equal with Him; be good to your parents, kill not your
children on a plea of poverty; We provide sustenance for you and for them;
approach not shameful deeds, whether open or secret; take not life, which God
has made sacred, except by a way of justice and law (Chapter 6, Verse 151).
In another verse, the Holy Quran says: "Kill not your
children for fear of want; it is We who provide sustenance for them as well
as for you; for verily killing them is a great sin (Chapter 17, Verse 31).
What should we understand from these two verses? First of
all, it is a grave sin to take the life of children for fear of want as was
the habit during that period. Neither is it allowed to do so for any other
reason unless a great evil is caused by the presence of the fetus that may
cause the death of the mother.
But is the fetus a human being? Is it part of the woman's
body and she is free to do what she likes with it. This is the logic of
modern materialistic way of life. Islam has something else to offer. It is
completely different from all other concepts or religions. Here are a few
details. As a comprehensive and unique way of life, Islam does not at all
agree with those who say that a woman has full control over her body. This
does not mean that Islam subjugates woman and puts them under men's control.
Islam considers our bodies as a trust, which we have to preserve and
maintain. It also confirms that the fetus is the creation of Almighty God. No
one, not even the mother, has the right to get rid of it unless its presence
threatens the life of the mother. For in that case, Islam allows abortion
within those limits only.
As a matter of fact, Islam encourages procreation when
necessary. But it leaves the door open for birth control. Thus we are told by
some companions of the Prophet, peace be upon him, that they used a method of
birth control during the time of revelation. The Prophet knew about it and
yet he never asked them to stop using it. We have to confirm here that it is
basic in Islam to believe that having children is not decided by parents but
is part and parcel of God's will and sole action. All that people can do is
to try their human means leaving the decision to God.
The attitude of Islam can be better understood if we
elaborate a little bit on the issue of sex. How does Islam look at sex
between men and women? Does it allow free sex as long as it is agreed upon by
the two adult partners as is the case nowadays with most of the non-Muslims
nations so much so that the word "adultery" has been dropped from
their dictionary? Or does Islam consider sex as a filthy sin that does not
suit men of God?
Neither of these extremes is accepted in Islam. This last
religion of God allows no sex whatsoever before or outside marriage. It,
however, honours sex in marriage and raises it to a lofty standard. When a
Muslim gets married he secures one half of his faith thanks to this contract.
So sex in Islam is not at all a filthy sin as long as it is inside marriage.
Not only this but a Muslim is rewarded even when he gratifies this desire.
Inone tradition the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: "To cohabit with your
wife is charity." Hearing this the Companion asked: "O Messenger of
Allah. Is it possible that each one of us will be rewarded when he satisfies
his sexual desire?" He said: "Yes indeed." Therefore, the
Messenger of Allah concluded: "When he satisfies it lawfully he will be
rewarded for it." (Narrated by Muslim).
Thus Islam does not look at sex as an end in itself, but
as a means to an end. The end of sex according to Islam is to have children.
So, it is not allowed in Islam that a woman can have abortion simply because
it is her wish to do so, under the pretext of keeping her beauty and to avoid
responsibility. This is considered as selfishness. Should a pregnant woman
make abortion without any justified reason such as the expectation of risk on
the mother's life, then this act amounts to murder according so Islam.
Islam is the religion of strong family relationships. Once
marriage is achieved, the two partners should have no sex with anybody else.
Not only this but Islam has imposed a severe penalty on those who commit adultery
even before marriage. Thus the society Islam tries to establish is a pure and
chaste society where women and men are modest. It is a society that does not
raise the madness of sex nor does it exploit women's bodies under the false
claim of freedom. It is a pure society that is immune from all evils
resulting from sex. It is thus free from AIDS, Herpes, and other evils and
epidemics that became rampant in modern free-sex communities.
For humanity to be saved of all the ailments of modern
civilization, it has to follow the laws of Islam in sex relationships. We can
safely say that Islam's attitude towards sex is the middle and the best
attitude. Will people understand this and follow the path of happiness,
Abortion. In the absence of a specific law on abortion,
the provincial governments are, in fact, groping in the dark. One court in
Ontario allowed a woman to have abortion. The interesting thing, however, is
that on her way out of the court, she announced that she already had abortion
but she repented for doing so simply because she returned back to her
boy-friend. So she no more supports the pro-abortion campaign in Canada. This
statement was hailed by what is called pro-lifers in North America.
Another woman from Quebec, called Chantal Daigle, asked
the court there to allow her have abortion of her 21 week pregnancy. The
court prevented her from doing so. The woman, however, insisted and defied
the court's judgment. She did have abortion. Not only this but she resorted
to the Supreme Court to change that decision. The Supreme Court gave its
approval and repealed the prevention decision.
In the light of the above, it may be asked here: What is
the attitude of Islam towards the issue of abortion? Is it true that women
have full control over their bodies and they can have abortion anytime they
wish? Or does Islam agree with those who say: "No, the fetus is a human
being and has full human rights"? It has the right to live and to be
protected. So it is a crime to have abortion? How does Islam look at this
Basically, Islam considers life as a sacred gift from God
Almighty. No one is allowed to take or stop the life of anyone else except by
way of justice or according to the Islamic law. Thus, the Holy Quran says:
"Say: Come, I will rehearse what God has really prohibited you from:
Join nothing as equal with Him; be good to your parents, kill not your
children on a plea of poverty; We provide sustenance for you and for them;
approach not shameful deeds, whether open or secret; take not life, which God
has made sacred, except by a way of justice and law (Chapter 6, Verse 151).
In another verse, the Holy Quran says: "Kill not your
children for fear of want; it is We who provide sustenance for them as well
as for you; for verily killing them is a great sin (Chapter 17, Verse 31).
What should we understand from these two verses? First of
all, it is a grave sin to take the life of children for fear of want as was
the habit during that period. Neither is it allowed to do so for any other
reason unless a great evil is caused by the presence of the fetus that may
cause the death of the mother.
But is the fetus a human being? Is it part of the woman's
body and she is free to do what she likes with it. This is the logic of
modern materialistic way of life. Islam has something else to offer. It is
completely different from all other concepts or religions. Here are a few
details. As a comprehensive and unique way of life, Islam does not at all
agree with those who say that a woman has full control over her body. This
does not mean that Islam subjugates woman and puts them under men's control.
Islam considers our bodies as a trust, which we have to preserve and
maintain. It also confirms that the fetus is the creation of Almighty God. No
one, not even the mother, has the right to get rid of it unless its presence
threatens the life of the mother. For in that case, Islam allows abortion
within those limits only.
As a matter of fact, Islam encourages procreation when
necessary. But it leaves the door open for birth control. Thus we are told by
some companions of the Prophet, peace be upon him, that they used a method of
birth control during the time of revelation. The Prophet knew about it and
yet he never asked them to stop using it. We have to confirm here that it is
basic in Islam to believe that having children is not decided by parents but
is part and parcel of God's will and sole action. All that people can do is
to try their human means leaving the decision to God.
The attitude of Islam can be better understood if we
elaborate a little bit on the issue of sex. How does Islam look at sex
between men and women? Does it allow free sex as long as it is agreed upon by
the two adult partners as is the case nowadays with most of the non-Muslims
nations so much so that the word "adultery" has been dropped from
their dictionary? Or does Islam consider sex as a filthy sin that does not
suit men of God?
Neither of these extremes is accepted in Islam. This last
religion of God allows no sex whatsoever before or outside marriage. It,
however, honours sex in marriage and raises it to a lofty standard. When a
Muslim gets married he secures one half of his faith thanks to this contract.
So sex in Islam is not at all a filthy sin as long as it is inside marriage.
Not only this but a Muslim is rewarded even when he gratifies this desire.
Inone tradition the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: "To cohabit with your
wife is charity." Hearing this the Companion asked: "O Messenger of
Allah. Is it possible that each one of us will be rewarded when he satisfies
his sexual desire?" He said: "Yes indeed." Therefore, the
Messenger of Allah concluded: "When he satisfies it lawfully he will be
rewarded for it." (Narrated by Muslim).
Thus Islam does not look at sex as an end in itself, but
as a means to an end. The end of sex according to Islam is to have children.
So, it is not allowed in Islam that a woman can have abortion simply because
it is her wish to do so, under the pretext of keeping her beauty and to avoid
responsibility. This is considered as selfishness. Should a pregnant woman
make abortion without any justified reason such as the expectation of risk on
the mother's life, then this act amounts to murder according so Islam.
Islam is the religion of strong family relationships. Once
marriage is achieved, the two partners should have no sex with anybody else.
Not only this but Islam has imposed a severe penalty on those who commit
adultery even before marriage. Thus the society Islam tries to establish is a
pure and chaste society where women and men are modest. It is a society that
does not raise the madness of sex nor does it exploit women's bodies under
the false claim of freedom. It is a pure society that is immune from all
evils resulting from sex. It is thus free from AIDS, Herpes, and other evils
and epidemics that became rampant in modern free-sex communities.
For humanity to be saved of all the ailments of modern
civilization, it has to follow the laws of Islam in sex relationships. We can
safely say that Islam's attitude towards sex is the middle and the best
attitude. Will people understand this and follow the path of happiness,
This was Written by
Dr. Arafat El Ashi
For More Information Please Contact:
191 The West Mall, Suite 1018
Etobicoke, Ontario,
M9C 5K8,
Tel: (416)622-2184
Fax: (416)622-2618
Tuesday, 3 July 2012
Islam & Abortion (Abortion is Murder)
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