A Muslim in myanmar with a poster saying" Send media and UN to Myanmar Akran state for saving Muslims of Area. This shows no action is taken by UN still.Is this UN is not for these people???

Protest and strikes in many cities of Pakistan and Bangladesh taken place but not protest by any other is seen in current situation.On this situation anger against the Muslims countries heads and West much in the Muslims all around the World.

While replying to a threat A Muslim Young words were these "All these are Western institutions you are talking about? There is nothing surprising about Western hypocrisy, idiocy, shameless murderous criminality. Western history and western current actions only show that hypocrisy, murder, unspeakable acts against defenseless people is the norm for the West. Only when all of their own cities are nuked would they cease their madness.
That is why the world needs to denuclearize the West and 'gas' them till their murderous tendencies are brought to a 'screeching' halt. United Nations has been a worthless organization. One fine example of that is the lack of action against USA, UK and their partners in crime for their immoral, mindless, murderous, criminal, atrocious invasion of Iraq.
It is a quandary as to why China, Russia and similar nations have not ditched the so called 'United Nations' and sent it to the dustbins of history in much the same way as the "League of Nations" were. Muslims should have (but are way too fragmented, and in many cases, way too ignorant to) deployed many millions of 'volunteers' to contain the 'drug trade' in Mexico and USA, and used this as a facade to carve out a niche in certain regions of the USA to inflict massive 'pain' on those criminal terrorists and turn the tables on them. One important factor that must not be ignored is that Muslims must ditch all links with US dollar, whether it be in the form of foreign exchange reserves held in US $ or be it in the form of Gulf Arab countries pricing and selling their valuable hydrocarbons in exchange for paper bills printed by American criminals. At the same time, important chokepoints like the Suez Canal, Straits of Hormuz, Straits of Malacca, Straits of Gibraltar should be provided enough 'attention' (including, in the form of deployment of attack submarines, frigates and destroyers loaded with Anti ship missiles and air defense systems) by the same Muslims to attain their goals.
It is the fault of the Muslims alone that Muslims have no unity to speak of in military, political, social or economic terms. Once the USA is 'taken care of', the entire kafir world would be sent a 'chilling message'.
Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-affairs/189200-20-000-muslims-killed-burma-police.html#ixzz200jdcNly
More ever JI Pakistan protest against all this all around the Pakistan.

In Bangladesh people protest against Burma as well as Banghali Govt. on not allowing Burma refugees to enter Bangladesh terrotery.
Protest and strikes in many cities of Pakistan and Bangladesh taken place but not protest by any other is seen in current situation.On this situation anger against the Muslims countries heads and West much in the Muslims all around the World.
While replying to a threat A Muslim Young words were these "All these are Western institutions you are talking about? There is nothing surprising about Western hypocrisy, idiocy, shameless murderous criminality. Western history and western current actions only show that hypocrisy, murder, unspeakable acts against defenseless people is the norm for the West. Only when all of their own cities are nuked would they cease their madness.
That is why the world needs to denuclearize the West and 'gas' them till their murderous tendencies are brought to a 'screeching' halt. United Nations has been a worthless organization. One fine example of that is the lack of action against USA, UK and their partners in crime for their immoral, mindless, murderous, criminal, atrocious invasion of Iraq.
It is a quandary as to why China, Russia and similar nations have not ditched the so called 'United Nations' and sent it to the dustbins of history in much the same way as the "League of Nations" were. Muslims should have (but are way too fragmented, and in many cases, way too ignorant to) deployed many millions of 'volunteers' to contain the 'drug trade' in Mexico and USA, and used this as a facade to carve out a niche in certain regions of the USA to inflict massive 'pain' on those criminal terrorists and turn the tables on them. One important factor that must not be ignored is that Muslims must ditch all links with US dollar, whether it be in the form of foreign exchange reserves held in US $ or be it in the form of Gulf Arab countries pricing and selling their valuable hydrocarbons in exchange for paper bills printed by American criminals. At the same time, important chokepoints like the Suez Canal, Straits of Hormuz, Straits of Malacca, Straits of Gibraltar should be provided enough 'attention' (including, in the form of deployment of attack submarines, frigates and destroyers loaded with Anti ship missiles and air defense systems) by the same Muslims to attain their goals.
It is the fault of the Muslims alone that Muslims have no unity to speak of in military, political, social or economic terms. Once the USA is 'taken care of', the entire kafir world would be sent a 'chilling message'.
Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-affairs/189200-20-000-muslims-killed-burma-police.html#ixzz200jdcNly
More ever JI Pakistan protest against all this all around the Pakistan.
In Bangladesh people protest against Burma as well as Banghali Govt. on not allowing Burma refugees to enter Bangladesh terrotery.