Indus Waters Treaty a farce and ineffective Document
India cheated Pakistan on Indus Waters Treaty by depriving it of itsperennial waters irrigating East Punjab of Pakistan. In replacement to the perennial water diverted by India, Pakistan, in return got storage water in Tarbela Dam Reservoir on the Indus, and Mangla Dam Reservoir on Jehlum River, both are Pakistan’s own rivers, allotted under the Treaty. Storage created on our rivers cannot be part of the deal. This means, Pakistan got nothing in return of the perennial water diverted by India irrigating East Punjab of Pakistan. Pakistan is obviously hoodwinked. The Treaty is unequal, partial, and farce. The Treaty snatched perennial waterwithout compensation and with no regards for water rights in view of article XI (3) and the preamble

Moreover, it is a known fact that storage water in reservoirs rapidly silt. Pakistan’s Tarbela and Mangla reservoirs both lost 6.5 maf of storage capacity till today. This practically means, the so called IWT has ceased to function due to the loss of pivotal storage watercreated under the terms of conditions of the IWTon account of silting, and needs recurring replenishment by India in place of diverting perennial water to safeguard Pakistan water rights.This is necessary to keep the so called Treaty alive. At present, there exists no storage water as part of the so called Treaty to compensate Pakistan, as that is lost due to silting. 
Whereas, on the other hand the perennial water taken over by India exists and India is using it on its lands uninterruptedly. It is obvious that temporary nature storage water, or time-based storage water on our own rivers, cannot be equated to the